Thursday 13 September 2012

1 Bite

Take a first bite of our 'GRE-at' Word List :)
Update 10 essential vocabulary, EVERYDAY 

Abhor (v)
  • Related   : Abhorrence
  • Meaning : detest; hate 도덕적인 이유로 혐오하다
  • Example :  She abhorred all forms of bigotry.

Bigotry (n)
  • Meaning : stubborn intolerance 심한 편견
  • Example : Brought up in a democratic atmosphere, the student was shocked by the bigotry and narrowness expressed by several of his classmates.

Counterfeit (adj)
  • Meaning : fake, not genuine 돈이나 상품이 위조의, 모조의
  • Example : Unfortunately, this bill is not completely counterfeit proof.

Enfranchise (v)
  • Meaning : admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote) 선거권을 주다
  • Example : Although blacks were enfranchised shortly after the Civil War, women did not receive the right to vote until 1920.

Hamper (v)
  • Meaning : hinder, obstruct 방해하다
  • Example : The heavy snowfall hampered their progress.

Kindle (v)
  • Meaning : start a fire, inspire (불을) 붙이다
  • Example : We watched as the fire slowly kindled.

Noxious (adj)
  • Meaning : harmful 유독한 유해한
  • Example : We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us.

Placid (adj)
  • Meaning : peaceful, calm
  • Example : After his vacation in this placid section, he felt soothed and rested.

Remunerative (adj)
  • Meaning : compensating, rewarding 보수가 좋은
  • Example : I find my new work so remunerative.

Talisman (n)
  • Meaning : lucky charm 부적
  • Example : She wore the talisman to ward off evil.

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