Friday 14 September 2012

2 Bite

Take a bite of our 'GRE-at' Word List :)
Update 10 essential vocabulary, EVERYDAY 

Abrasive (adj)

  • Meaning : rubbing away, harsh, rough 연마재의, 거친
  • Example : Just as abrasive cleaning powders can wear away any shiny finish, abrasive remarks can wear away a listener's patience.

Bilk (v)

  • Meaning : cheat, swindle 돈 따위를 사취하다, 사람을 속이다
  • Example : A con man who bilked investors out of millions of dollars.

Covert (adj)

  • Meaning : secret, hidden, implied 은밀한
  • Example : Investigations of the Central Intelligence Agency and other secret service networks reveal that such covert operations can get out of control.

Engender (v)

  • Meaning : cause, produce 감정 또는 상황을 야기하다
  • Example : The issue engendered controversy.

Hangar (n)

  • Meaning : large building to keep aircraft 격납고
  • Example : The planes in the hangar are being repaired.

Knotty (adj)

  • Meaning : intricate, difficult, tangled 얽히고설킨
  • Example : What to Watson had been a knotty problem to Sherlock Holmes was simplicity itself.

Nuance (n)

  • Meaning : subtle distinction, shade of difference in meaning or color 미묘한 차이
  • Example : Jody gazed at the Monet landscape for an hour, appreciating every subtle nuance of color in the painting.

Plagiarism (n)

  • Meaning : taking credit for someonme else's writing or idea 표절
  • Example : There were accusations of plagiarism

Renown (n)

  • Meaning : fame 명성
  • Example : He won renown as a fair judge.

Tangent (n)

  • Meaning : going off the main subject 접선 아슬아슬한
  • Example : Lecturer was flying off on a tangent in his lecture.

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