Monday 17 September 2012

3 Bite

Abasement (n)

  • Meaning : humiliation, degradation 실추, 굴욕
  • Example : Anna expected to have to curtsy to the King of Siam; when told to cast herself down on the ground before him, however, she refused to abase herself.

Billowing (adj)

  • Meaning : swelling out in waves, fluttering, surging 바람이 부풀어 오르다, 연기나 구름이 피어오르다
  • Example : Standing over the air vent, Marilyn Monroe tried vainly to control her billowing skirts.

Cower (v)

  • Meaning : shrink quivering from fear 겁을 먹고 몸을 웅크리다
  • Example : The gun went off and the people cowered behind walls and under tables.

Enhance (v)

  • Meaning : increase, improve 높이다 향상시키다
  • Example : This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.

Harangue (n, v)

  • Meaning : long, passionate and vehement speech, trying to persuade someone to a opinion or an idea in a forceful way 장관설을 늘어놓다
  • Example : I am not haranguing, just correcting a point of fact.

Labyrinth (n)

  • Meaning : maze 미로
  • Example : We lost our way in a labyrinth of streets.

Nullify (v)

  • Meaning : to make invalid 무효화하다
  • Example : Once the contract was nullified, it no longer had any legal force.

Plaintiff (n)

  • Meaning : a person who brings a legal case against someone in a court of law 원고, 고소인
  • Example : The jury found for the plaintiff.

Replete (adj)

  • Meaning : to be full of , filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed 몹시 배가 부른, 가득한
  • Example : The movie star's memoir was replete with juicy details about the love life of half of Hollywood.

Tangible (adj)

  • Meaning : able to be perceived by touch 유형의, 감지할 수 있는
  • Example : Though the financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by his intangible rewards; prestige, intellectual, freedom, the fellowship of his peers.

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